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Support program for women researchers : invite researchers from foreign countries (SG FResHU Support 2018)



Hokkaido University has been running “Top Global University Project (MEXT)”. In this project, FResHU offer a support program for women researchers who has difficulties in traveling abroad due to pregnancy, childbirth, child-care. It provides them an opportunity to invite researchers from foreign countries to have deep discussion on their research.

支援金額および採択予定件数/Total amount of the aid and the number of applicants to be adopted

  • 本事業では招へい研究者の旅費(交通費+滞在費)と謝金を補助する。
  • 招へい期間は概ね5日から10日程度を想定
  • 謝金の最大補助額は1件あたり10万円
  • 旅費補助は1件あたり上限29万円分。ただし航空券及び宿泊については現物支給を基本とする。
  • 2件(2名)を採択予定

  • This program gives a financial support for travel expenses (transportation and hotel expenses) and for honorarium of the invited researcher.

  • The period of the invitation is approximately 5 – 10 days.
  • The maximum amount of the financial support is;
    100,000 yen for the honorarium,
    travel expenses equivalent to 290,000 yen
  • Basically, air ticket and hotel expenses are in-kind payments.
  • Two applicants are to be adopted.

支援要件 / Possible Candidate of the support

  • 北海道大学に所属する女性研究者(教員(特任教員含む)及び博士研究員*)で、妊娠、出産、育児等のため海外に赴いて研究交流することが困難な者を支援対象とする
  • 招聘研究者を講師とした、研究者や学生を対象とする、研究者のワークライフバランスやキャリア開発をテーマとしたセミナーを招聘期間中1回開催すること(女性研究者支援室と共催)


  • Women researchers(faculty staff and Postdoctoral Researcher)at Hokkaido Univ. who have difficulty in traveling overseas due to pregnancy, childbirth, child-care.

  • The successful applicants are also required to hold a seminar on career development, work-life balance for researchers within the invitation period.

支援期間 / Period

July 21th 2018 to February 28th 2019

採択者の義務 / Duties of the successful applicants


  • 招へい研究者との連絡調整
  • 実施報告書の提出
  • 共同研究の追跡調査への回答

  • Communications and adjustment with invited researcher

  • Report
    The successful applicants are to submit a report to FResHU within a month after the invitation. The report will open in public and FResHU office may use reports to improve and develop the future support program for women researchers.
  • Follow-up questionnaire
    We will send the successful applicants a follow-up questionnaire about the progress of the collaborative research related to this support in 12 months after the end of support.

応募書類/ Application form

Download: 申請書/Application form

応募書類提出方法 / How to apply


  • メール件名は「SG FResHU Support application」
  • 女性研究者支援室メールアドレス:

Please send your application form to FResHU Office by an e-mail.

  • The subject :“SG FResHU Support application”
  • The e-mail address:

応募期限 / Deadline


July 4th, 17:00
Notification of the selection result will be sent to the applicants by July 18th.